Overloading Class Functions
dDataObjects comes with many class functions. If you'd like to basically use the function, but add to it, it is possible to add additional features by overloading the function.
DO NOT EDIT /path/to/lib/generated/generated_table_name.php - these changes will not be saved if you rerun the program!
To overload a function, edit /path/to/lib/table_name.php (e.g. /path/to/lib/person.php)
class person extends generated_person
* Retrieves person, if specified by $person_id. Calls global database object
* @param int $person_id, ID of person to get
* @global object, $dbh database access object
* @access protected
function person($person_id = '', $set_from_query = null)
$this->generated_person($person_id, $set_from_query);
////////////////// All your code below this line ///////////////////////////////
Now redefine the function you'd like to overload, add additional code, and call the parent function
class person extends generated_person
* Retrieves person, if specified by $person_id. Calls global database object
* @param int $person_id, ID of person to get
* @global object, $dbh database access object
* @access protected
function person($person_id = '', $set_from_query = null)
$this->generated_person($person_id, $set_from_query);
////////////////// All your code below this line ///////////////////////////////
function set_name($name)
if ($name == 'John Doe')
return false;
return parent::set_name($name);